1. I’ll make a bath for you.(x)

I'll run a bath for you. (√)

英文中没有 make a bath的说法。“放洗澡水”是run a bath。洗澡是take a bath (美式用法)或have a bath (英式用法)。另外,如要讲“你的洗澡水放好了”可说Your bath is ready。

2. The battery is useless. You need to recharge it. (x)

The battery is dead. You need to recharge it. (√)

The battery is useless是说“这个电池不能再使用”,因此充电也无济于事,所以该接着说You need to change it.(你需要更换电池了。)至于电池“没电”.正确的用词是dead(美式用法)或flat(英式用法)。

3. I started to be angry when I sensed that she would stand me up.(x)

I started to get angry when I sensed that she would stand me up. (√)

be angry是生气的“完成”状态,如:Mary was angry when I came in.(当我进门时,玛丽早就在生气。)get / become / grow angry则表由“未完成”进入“完成”的动作,如:Mary got angry when I came in.(当我进门时,玛丽就生气了。)这个“气”摆明是冲着“我”来的。


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